For Loading Solid Propellant Rocket Engines
Never use any metallic components in the construction of the engines.
Never use steel against steel in any operation involving propellant. If a steel piercer is used, wood, brass, or aluminum loading dowels must be used. All sparks must be avoided.
Never attempt to produce or use propellant using components other than sulfur, charcoal, and saltpeter. Chlorate mixtures are expressly forbidden. They are unstable and unpredictable.
Propellant should be made and stored in quantities no greater than eight ounces and should be stored in non-breakable plastic containers.
Any drying methods used for propellant or loaded engines must not have exposed flames or exposed high temperature surfaces. (Such as heating elements or light bulbs)
All engines, propellant, and chemical components must be stored under lock and key away from children.
Any new engine configuration is to be tested on a static stand in seclusion. Engines are to be tested vertically in case a nozzle or top heading is expelled.
All engines and rockets are to be tested or launched by electrical ignition from a distance of 20 feet for I.D.'s of 5/8" and smaller, 30 feet for larger engines.
Since all homemade engines are considered experimental, they cannot be launched in public or for demonstrations.
Construction--My model rockets will be made of lightweight materials such as paper wood, plastic, and rubber without any metal as structural parts.
Engines--I will use only preloaded factory-made model rocket engines in the manner recommended by the manufacturer. I will not change in any way nor attempt to reload these engines.
Recovery--I will always use recovery systems in my model rockets that will return them safely to the ground so that they may be flown again.
Weight limits--My model rocket will weigh no more than 453 grams (16 ounces) at lift off, and the engines will contain no more than 113 grams (4 ounces) of propellant.
Stability--I will check the stability of my model rockets before their first flight, except when launching models of already proven stability.
Launching system--The system I use to launch my model rockets must be remotely controlled and electrically operated, and will contain a switch that will return to "off" when released. I will remain at least 15 feet away from any rocket that is being launched.
Launch safety--I will not let anyone approach a model rocket on a launcher until I have made sure that either the safety interlock key has been removed or the battery has been disconnected from my launcher.
Flying conditions--I will not launch my model rockets in high winds, near buildings, power lines, tall trees, low flying aircraft, or under any conditions that might be dangerous to people or property.
Launch area--My model rockets will always be launched from a cleared area, free of any easy to burn materials, and I will use only non-flammable recovery wadding in my rockets.
Jet deflector--My launcher will have a jet deflector device to prevent the engine exhaust from hitting the ground directly.
Launch rod--To prevent accidental eye injury, I will always place the launcher so .the end of the rod is above eye level, or cap the end of the rod with my hand when approaching it. I will never place my head or body over the launching rod. When my launcher is not in use, I will always store it so that the launch rod is not in an upright position.
Power lines--I will never attempt to recover my model rocket from a power line or other dangerous place.
Launch targets and angle--I will not launch rockets so their flight path will carry them against targets on the ground, and will never use an explosive warhead nor payload that is intended to be flammable. My launching device will always be pointed within 30 degrees of vertical.
Prelaunch test--When conducting research activities with unproven designs or methods, I will, when possible, determine their reliability through prelaunch tests. I will conduct launchings of unproven designs in complete isolation.
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