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Effects of
Caramelization on Sugar Propellant
The longer you keep sugar propellant hot,
the more it caramelizes or turns brown until it eventually turns very dark.
I wanted to know how many motors I could make with one batch and how much,
if any, the propellant was degraded by caramelizing. I decided to make
a large batch over a period of time and let it get darker and darker, making
both propellant grains to burn in motors and test strands for burn time
tests. This was done in August 2006 using potassium nitrate - sugar (sucrose) propellant
prepared by dissolving in water and heating with the results below.
The batch size was 400 grams.
Time |
0:00 |
Wax at 400° F.
Added ¾ cup water and 260 grams of KNO3 in lumps up to
half an inch in diameter. |
0:06 |
Water boiling and KNO3 is
dissolved. |
0:07 |
Added 140 grams of granulated sugar
(sucrose) |
0:27 |
Stirring constantly now. Consistency
is that of thin mashed potatoes |
0:34 |
Now the consistency of thick mashed potatoes |
0:35 |
Made two grains
(#1) and a 2" test strand. |
0:39 |
Consistency is now crumbly. The water
is mostly driven off but the temperature is still just above boiling. |
0:45 |
Same consistency but hotter. Made two
more grains (#2) and a test strand |
0:54 |
Consistency is now creamy. The
temperature is higher and the sugar is melted. This should be the
ideal consistency and temperature to make good propellant grains. |
0:58 |
Just starting to get darker. Made two
grains (#3) and test strand. Turned down to 300°
F but it will take a while for the wax to cool down. I left one
grain in its mold for about 4 minutes and I could barely get it out. |
1:08 |
Propellant has now cooled some and is
thicker but I can still stir it. Turned crock pot off and went to
dinner. Took the propellant out of the wax bath to cool.
Will continue tomorrow |
Next Day |
0:00 |
Turned back on to heat up with the big lump
of hard propellant. |
0:30 |
Creamy consistency again. Made two
more grains (#4) and test strand |
0:30-1:30 |
Made five more sets of grains
(#5 - #9) over the next hour along with
test strands. |
1:30 |
The propellant is now very dark and the last
was used up making grains and strands. |
All the strands were burned an
hour after the last sample so the last ones didn't have a lot of time but
were cool and brittle when tested. Below are the test strands and test
grains. The first picture is the same grains as in the second picture
but just larger. The second picture was laid out in reverse order.

Here are the times for the eight burn tests and the
motor tests using the corresponding test grains. The motors used in
the tests had a theoretical design of 16.4 lb max thrust, 30.5 N-Sec
total impulse, and a thrust duration of 0.48 seconds.
Test Strand & Test Motor Number |
Propellant Description |
Strand Burn Rate (secs/in) |
Engine Test Notes |
Max Thrust (lb) |
Avg Thrust (lb) |
Thrust Duration (secs) |
Total Impulse (Newton-seconds) |
Specific Impulse (secs) |
1 |
still water in sample, not melted – 33minutes |
7.12 |
Ok |
12.4 |
7.32 |
.833 |
27.7 |
97.6 |
2 |
dry and grainy – 43 minutes |
3.15 |
Blew header & Engine |
16.7 |
3 |
creamy – proper consistency 58 minutes |
8.53 |
18.2 |
13.8 |
.55 |
35.31 |
124.4 |
4 |
Next day 30 minutes after starting reheat,
same consistency as when left off the day before |
4.58 |
Recalibrated |
18.3 |
12.8 |
.567 |
33.2 |
117 |
5 |
5.26 |
Blew out side of top |
28.1 |
12.7 |
.517 |
30.18 |
106.3 |
5a |
24 |
14.2 |
.483 |
31.67 |
111.5 |
6 |
11.43 |
25.8 |
13.1 |
.55 |
33.03 |
116.3 |
7 |
12.58 |
Blew header & Engine |
29.1 |
8 |
11.20 |
20.1 |
12 |
.56 |
30.22 |
106.5 |
The results were not very consistent although there
were some conclusions that could be drawn from this set.
The first test, there was still water in the
propellant and it had not reached a temperature to melt the sugar but
there was likely no air in the mix. The specific impulse was low,
the thrust duration was longer and the total thrust was low. Even
though the burn test showed a similar burn rate as what would be expected
from a good propellant batch, it is obvious that it did not have a normal
increase of burn rate at operating pressure which is observed in the
longer burn time.
The second test was done when
the water was probably almost completely gone but had not reached the
proper temperature to melt the sugar. The propellant at that stage
was crumbly which means there was a lot of air voids that could not be
eliminated from either the test strands or test grains. The test
strand burned twice as fast indicating air pockets where the burning
jumped across and accelerated the burn rate. The expected results
were observed in the test motor. The burn rate due to the air
pockets dramatically increased the burn rate and so the pressure as well
and the excessive pressure blew out the header and blew the motor out of
the test fixture.
The third test was done at the
ideal consistency with the sugar melted and so the propellant was creamy.
The motor actually performed better than the software predicted, all
parameters still being within an expected range of what was predicted but
all on the high end.
The next two test points were
after the time gap and resulted in fast strand burn tests but the motor
tests didn’t correlate. Of these two, the first seemed to have a normal
burn characteristic but the second blew out the header and had a
considerably higher than expected amount of thrust though a normal burn
time. Could be a calibration problem.
All the rest showed slower strand test
burning, normal motor burn time, and high thrust. Tests 5 through 7
should have had good calibration but still showed higher than expected
thrust in the motor tests. So it appears that the more caramelized grains
have a different pressure vs burn rate curve and burn faster at higher
pressures. According to FPRED, the thrust for motor 6 of 24 lb would have
a corresponding pressure 1240 psi.
Looking at the motors that failed:
The ID is .804. Total area = .508. Anchor holes 7/32 = .219 dia. Total
area of anchor holes = 8*(.219/2)2*p
= .30067 in2. Concrete estimated strength 750 psi (actually
for Durham’s water putty). Failure force = 225 lb. Failure pressure =
443 psi. Obviously the observed thrust is far past the calculated
failure. There is certainly more holding force than just the shear
strength of the plugs. The plug itself against the wall provides an
unknown strength factor. The anchor cement used actually expands as it
sets so would provide a lot of resistance.
A second set of tests were conducted about a month
after the first set but this time it was done continuously without stopping
in the middle like the previous set of tests. This time there were no
pictures taken and no test strands done, only 14 two-grain motors were made
(same design as the last set of tests). Test strands are only
marginally useful because they only give you the burn rate at atmospheric
pressure. Operating pressure in a motor is many atmospheres and so can
only give a "ball park" idea of how a motor may perform.
Fri, Sept 8, 06
Tested 14
caramelization motors, one end-burner, a two-grain and three-grain motor.
Most of the plots were clipped because the 9v batteries in the amplifier
were drained. The caramelization and end burner tests all used internal
retainer rings. Three of the car. Tests leaked out the top through the
retainer ring split. The nozzle and header were adequate length and there
were no apparent bubbles. The thrusts were higher than designed and so the
pressure would have been higher than designed. I suspect that the inhibitor
sleeve is not thick enough and is burning through and burning is taking
place on the outside surface. These tests used pre-made sleeves using
sodium silicate and they fit a little bit loose also. Nevertheless, enough
data was taken to get a significant trend showing less total impulse and
less specific impulse as the caramelization proceeds to get darker. These
were about two weeks old and consistently had low specific impulse. No
pictures taken and no strand tests were done.
(designed max thrust 16.4 lb, tot impulse
30.5 N-Sec, Thrust dur. 48 sec) Note the smaller Specific
thrusts on these tests. There was probably a problem with the
calibration of the test equipment because the thrust was lower than the
design on all of these. Still, the relative values can give an
indication of the performance at different levels of caramelization compared
to a non-caramelized propellant (test engine #1). The trend is very
Test Engine # |
Engine Test Notes
Max Thrust (lb) |
Avg Thurst (lb) |
Thrust Duration (Secs) |
Total Impulse (N-Sec) |
Specific Impulse (sec) |
1 |
11.6 |
7.97 |
.743 |
26.59 |
88.5 |
2 |
Major leak out top retainer split |
10.8 |
8.49 |
.667 |
21.89 |
74.0 |
3 |
12.4 |
7.79 |
.650 |
23.12 |
77.2 |
4 |
12.9 |
8.06 |
.666 |
24.5 |
81.3 |
5 |
Minor leak out top retainer split |
13.8 |
7.52 |
.650 |
22.3 |
77.0 |
6 |
13.4 |
6.51 |
.717 |
21.24 |
77.8 |
7 |
clipped plot top |
14.7 |
7.07 |
.666 |
21.8 |
76.8 |
8 |
clipped plot top |
13.1 |
6.93 |
.684 |
21.58 |
77.4 |
9 |
11 |
5.31 |
.784 |
18.9 |
68.4 |
10 |
clipped plot top |
12.4 |
6.36 |
.684 |
19.83 |
72.6 |
11 |
Minor leak out top retainer split, clipped plot top |
14.5 |
6.84 |
.667 |
20.8 |
74.3 |
12 |
10.7 |
4.61 |
.933 |
19.48 |
72.6 |
12a |
13.0 |
5.75 |
.816 |
19.48 |
66.3 |
13 |
11.3 |
5.15 |
.833 |
19.49 |
68.2 |
The results are quite clear that the more the
propellant is caramelized (the darker it gets) the lower the specific
impulse and because the grains were nearly the same size, the lower the
total impulse. The effect is fairly dramatic with a drop of. The
total efficiency from the ideal condition to very dark drops 23%. It
also appears that there are were kind of two steps: the first was after the
first test which was the ideal, and the second about half way through.
The tests still need to be performed again. I had
a calibration issue. I calibrated the equipment to use 75% of the
available range of my amplifier using the expected maximum thrust of the
motor. Doing that means that when the thrust exceeds 133% of the
expected thrust, it exceeds the gain of the amplifier. The amplifier
has a maximum total output voltage that is related to the input voltage and
if it is overdriven, it clips the top of the plot so the maximum value
becomes unknown. I have learned an important lesson. It is
better to calibrate the equipment so that the maximum output corresponds to
something more in the neighborhood of maybe around three to five times the
expected maximum thrust. This reduces the resolution but for this kind
of work, the resolution is fine even at that setting.
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